
Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery

Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.

Sport & P.E.

Physical Education At Lainesmead

We strive to provide a broad variety of sporting activities to engage the children and enrich their exposure to sport. The schools expansive grounds, playing fields and playgrounds provide excellent sporting opportunities for children in both key stages. To complement exciting PE lessons we also offer a variety of after school sports clubs throughout the year. This year we have run after school football, tag rugby, netball, dance, multi-sports, cricket and basketball. We run a house cup within the school. Children compete throughout the year within their sports lessons and house groups. This culminates in a trophy presentation in the final term of the year. As a school we are strongly involved within the Sainsbury’s school games. This allows the children to experience competition in a variety of sports and enables them to compete against children from other schools.


We strive to provide a series of exciting opportunities for children to experience different sports and work closely with local clubs and professionals to draw on their expertise. During this academic year the children have participated in Jiu-Jitsu sessions, Tae Kwon-Do and Fencing. In the summer term we have an inclusive sports day in which parents are invited to come and watch their children participate in a series of events. Medals are always awarded to the participants of the winning house.

PE Statement


As a school we have evaluated the gaps in learning for PE due to lockdowns and Covid. Because of the repetitive nature of PE – as a school we feel that there are no significant gaps within the PE curriculum. However, there has been a general drop in fitness levels due to the children not being as active when at home during lock down.  This has been addressed by auctioning the following:

  • New playground markings have been placed onto our play ground to encourage the children to be more active during break and lunch time.
  • Play leaders have been trained to lead activities utilizing the playground markings during break and lunch times.
  • New trim trail equipment has been ordered and will be installed in the coming months.
  • Increased number of physical after school clubs available for children to attend included targeted children who will benefit.