
Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery

Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.


E-safety introduction:


At Lainesmead, our aim is to ensure that all children are able to use the internet and online technologies in a respectful and safe manner. We understand that the internet provides a wealth of knowledge and opportunities and is usually used in a positive manner. However, we must ensure that children know what to do if things do go wrong and where to look for support and help. We teach e-safety lessons each term using the Project Evolve structure, covering eight key areas these are:


  • Term 1: Self-image and identity
  • Term 2: Online relationships
  • Term 2: Online bullying
  • Term 3: Online reputation
  • Term 4: Privacy and security
  • Term 4: Copyright and ownership
  • Term 5: Managing online information
  • Term 6: Healthy and wellbeing


Our up-to-date curriculum ensures that we keep up with the ever-changing internet and online apps and games to ensure their safety when accessing these resources. We teach children to be SMART when online and have SMART posters displayed around the school.































More information about our e-safety curriculum can be found here:  Project Evolve


Safer Internet Day:


Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Safer Internet Day 2025 is on 11th February and will be celebrated with the theme. At Lainesmead, we celebrate with an 'E-safety Week' involving whole school assemblies and taught lessons in both key stages linked to the yearly theme. Children will engage in conversations linked to how to be safe online and give responses to given online scenarios.


Safer Internet Day 2025 - Own It - BBC

Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre


Parents and Carers:


We understand the importance of supporting parents to keep their children safe online at home. We encourage all parents to engage in regular conversations with their children about their online activity and encourage their children to share any concerns with a trusted adult. Please find below links to useful information for parents. This information will help you to support your child access the online world safely as well as practical family activities to complete together.


Tips for staying safe online 

  • Make sure you keep new online friends strictly online. If someone you don't know asks to be your online friend, you must ensure an adult knows about it.
  • Do not meet up with people you only know online. 
  • Only speak to and treat others like you would like to be treated. Connect with others in a respectful manner by talking to them in the same way you would speak to them in person. 
  • Never share your personal information online such as your full name, age, where you live or the school you go to. 
  • Do not tell anyone your username and password information. These should be kept private so you are the only person who can access your account. 
  • Tell an adult if you see something upsetting, worrying or inappropriate online. 
  • Block and report other users when they are unkind online. Tell an adult if this happens. 
  • If a friend shares any concerns that they are having about being online, tell them it will be okay and talk to an adult about what has been happening together. 


Useful links

Use these links to find out more about being safe online: 



Resources For Parents

Support For Parents
