Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.
We aim to enable our pupils to:
We are a Real PE school and as such pupils are able to access indoor PE sessions and practice skills using the Real PE platform that supports learning for the areas of dance and gymnastics. It is a progression programme that allows pupils not only to follow key sills in the field of PE, but attunes to the Thrive approach of our school by allowing for the opportunity for pupils to develop social skills and teamwork. Videos and differentiated milestones enable learners to practice skills and develop these in traditional sport sessions that make up the second weekly PE session. Examples of a Real PE lesion session and a medium-term overview for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 can be viewed below.
Lainesmead Primary School are a link school to the Swindon Town Premier League Primary Stars Programme. Staff from Swindon Town deliver bespoke multiskills and football sessions weekly to a number of year groups. Staff from Lainesmead teach alongside specialist Swindon Town coaches to provide the very best opportunity to enhance skills.
As well as PE sessions, the link also offers the opportunity for pupils to become involved in a lunchtime football club. This allows greater opportunity to practice skills and to simply enjoy football activities as part of pupil’s social time.
The link also provides pupils to engage further in core subjects such as Mathematics. Sessions are delivered to groups of pupils to develop core skills in number. Staff at Lainesmead work alongside Swindon Town coaches to tailor the learning in these sessions to the overall medium-term focus that continues in the child’s class. An example of the scout career mode lesson overview can be seen in this section of the website.
Each year, we run a sports day event with houses competing in a wide range of activities. Children all have the opportunity to experience a range of different events that encompass the skills that we have practiced throughout the year: Including: Catching, throwing, jumping, running and elements involving passing and shooting. Medals are awarded to the winning house pupils, as well as pupils successful in the sprint races.
Full details of the annual pupil premium report can be located in the ‘Key Information;’ section of the website. Spending is designated in accordance to the key indicators as noted below:
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school)
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement)
(Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport)
(Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils)
(Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport)
As a result of this the pupil premium has allowed for the following:
At Lainesmead, children have the opportunity to develop their social skills through play leading. Pupils from Year 5 are trained to support the other children to participate actively in games at break and lunchtimes. Play leaders assume the roles of responsibility and ensure activities are set up, ready and delivered. This supports the use of acquired playground markings in an effective way that enables children to play and become involved in a range of different games.
A Year 6 football team is run every Tuesday after school. This allows for pupils to not only refine practiced football skills, but develop teamwork in preparation for league, cup and festival competitive football sports.
On a Friday afternoon, pupils also have access to a Revolution Performing Arts Club. This provides pupils with the opportunity to develop and enhance talent in the areas of singing, dancing and music. A taster assembly is shared with all pupils so they are aware of the range of activities that this club offers.
Each class has 2 sessions of PE a week ( x 2 hours). These are set on designated days with one session dedicated as a focus to the Real PE, Real Gym or Real Dance platform of skills and a second session focusing on a more traditional ‘outdoor sport’ that allows for pupils to practice and apply skills in areas such as striking and fielding, throwing and catching, attacking and defending.
In September 2013, the Government introduced new Sports funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and Sport. It was designed to give additional money to support schools in developing Physical Education and build upon the 'Olympic Legacy'.
This money must be spent on sports provision and schools have freedom to choose how the money is spent. It is important that the money is spent wisely and that the impact of the funding will be sustainable throughout the next two years.