
Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery

Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.


Governors - What We Do

We are very fortunate in having an excellent Governing body. Governors are very actively involved in the school on a regular basis through their monitoring and evaluating visits, attendance at school events, governors meetings and help in the classroom. They are not involved in the day to day running of the school but have an important role in providing a strategic direction for the school. What we call " Focussing on the big picture" . It is their responsibility to promote high standards and quality teaching and learning experiences for the children.


Our Governors come from all walks of life. They include school staff, parents and volunteers from the community.


Governors - Who We Are

Governing Body

Alan Mulrooney - Chair of Governors - email:
Mel Hay - Vice-Chair - Parent Governor
Lorraine Walker - Clerk to Governors
Alyssia Mepstead - Headteacher
Caroline Smith - Staff Governor
Craig Sunley - Co-Opted Governor
Andrew Lowson - Co-opted Governor

Heather Noble - Co-opted Governor 

Esther Hogg - LA Appointed Governor


Chair of Governors, Mr Alan Mulrooney

I have been a school governor at Lainesmead since my first child joined the school in 2017. As Chair of Governors I have supported the school in its journey to `Good with Outstanding features' as a result of the OFSTED inspection in 2022 and I am proud of the schools achievement of being recognised as a Thrive School of Excellence.


Working within the professional training and education sector enables me to develop business and programmes aligned with the changing needs of the modern workplace whilst supporting the development of teams and leaders throughout a range of industries.


My aim is to use my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to support the Senior Leadership team, staff and parents to continue to ensure Lainesmead is a place where each and every child is happy and has the very best opportunities to thrive.


Caroline Smith - Staff Governor

I have been the Teacher Governor 5 years now and I am very proud to be part of the Governing Board at Lainesmead. During my time at Lainesmead, I have thoroughly enjoyed my role as class teacher, Year Group Leader and Subject Co-Ordinator for E-Safety, History and Geography and now Science. I became Teacher Governor as I wanted to expand my passion of teaching and learning beyond my own classroom to support the wider ethos of the school. I look forward to providing my continued support, alongside the other stakeholders, for all Lainesmead pupils to strive, achieve and excel to reach their full potential.



Mel Hay - Vice Chair - Parent Governor

When the eldest of my 2 boys started at Lainesmead in September 2018 I realised I would be involved with the school for the next 10 years, so jumped at the chance to become involved and make a contribution. Working together with the staff and parents within the school community, I want to ensure our children have every opportunity to learn and develop to the best of their abilities.



Alyssia Mepstead - Headteacher

'I am very proud to be on the Governing body for Lainesmead as a co-opted governor. I attend the Curriculum committee where I share with governors all the wonderful things the children do as part of a broad and balanced curriculum as well as delving into the data to identify strength and areas for improvement.
I have been a teacher for thirteen years and have been part of Lainesmead’s governing body for several of these. As a class teacher, I was a staff governor. While working at another school, I remained on Lainesmead governing body as I have always felt passionately about the education of the children at this school. I am very happy to once again be a governor now that I am Headteacher.'


Andrew Lowson - Co-Opted Governor

I live in Old Town in Swindon and work for Nationwide Building Society. I graduated from the University of Hertfordshire in 2016 with a degree in Physics with a year abroad. I am proud to be a member of the governing board at Lainesmead and I am looking forward to my second year as a governor. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family, running, cycling and going for walks around Swindon.


Esther Hogg - LA Appointed Governor

My family and I moved to the area in 2019 and love it! I have two children at Lainesmead, and am pleased to be able to serve this school and community as a governor. I work for the council, supporting families and in my free time I like to be outside walking, on a bike, or with friends.


Craig Sunley - Co-Opted Governor

My family and I live in Old Walcott, I have two children at Lainesmead, and a niece and nephew joining in the next couple of years. I am keen to make a difference and help the school as a governor. I work for Innovate UK as a Business Analyst and in my free time I like to walk the dog, spend time with family and friends, do a bit of geocaching and watch some Formula 1.


Heather Noble - Co-Opted Governor

Since my daughter joined Lainesmead in 2021, I have been interested in what is happening in the school and how I could support.  I currently work as attendance officer for the Ridgeway School and was involved in the school becoming on of the DfE national attendance hubs. I am passionate about the importance of school attendance to allow children to be equipped with academic knowledge and social skills to allow them to meet their potential.  Before I had my daughter I worked for Nat West in various roles including branch manager so have experience in people management and the recruitment process.  I am keen to use my knowledge and skills to support Lainesmead continue to provide a great education to our children. 



Lorraine Walker - Clerk to the Governors

My name is Lorraine Walker and up until May 2017 I worked at Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery as a Teaching Assistant. I had over 17 great years there. Both of my children went to Lainesmead and now my 2 grandchildren. In October 2018 I became a School Governor which I thoroughly enjoyed. In April 2020 I took over the role of Clerk to the Governors and, although challenging, find it a very worthwhile role.


Governors Contact Details

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please write to them care of the school office or email them at


Governors Scheme of Delegation

Governors Scheme of Delegation outlines the policy for the delegation of financial powers and the duties of the governing body.

Governors - Minutes of Meetings
