
Lainesmead Primary School and Nursery

Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.


Lainesmead Primary School is an inclusive school. We believe in providing every possible opportunity to develop pupils’ full potential. All pupils have access to a broad and balanced education and are fully integrated into the life of the school. The school is committed to providing equal opportunities for all. Lainesmead supports mutual respect and a caring and non-judgmental attitude throughout the school. We have high aspirations for all learners and ensure that they make the best possible progress and achieve the best outcomes.


Lainesmead encourages staff, pupils and parents to work in partnership with each other to identify pupil's needs, support and provision. Lainesmead update parents of their child's special educational needs (SEND) and provision throughout the year, at parents' evenings and in the annual school report.  We also promote effective partnership and liaise with outside agencies as appropriate.


If parents have any queries regarding of concerns regarding their child’s needs and provision they should contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance.


If the parent still has concerns then they should contact the school and ask to speak with the special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO); Mrs Deacon-Willis via the school office (tel 529106) or by email:


If your child has special educational needs and wishes to join the school a meeting may be arranged with the SENCO..


If your child has an Education Health Care Plan you must first contact Swindon BoroughCouncil's Special Educational Needs and Disability Service team to discuss any change of placement.



The Swindon local offer

In accordance with the Children and Families Act, all local authorities must publish and review information about services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who are aged from 0 to 25 years, which will be reviewed annually. The aim is to improve the Special Educational Needs system, enhance the quality of life for families living in the local area and ensure the best outcome for children and young people.


Swindon’s Local Offer website highlights the full range of support and services available; some of these are Council services, some are independent and others are collaborative. The information is easily accessible and in enough detail to enable families to make the best choices for their children. 
