Strive, Achieve, Excel; Believe in a Limitless Future.
As a school, we have evaluated the gaps in learning for Religious Education due to lockdowns and Covid.
For the learning that was missed or not fully covered please see the relevant topic organiser:
Current Year 6 children – Year 5 Term 3
Current Year 5 – Year 4 Term 3
Current Year 4 – Year 3 Term 3
Current Year 3 – Year 2 Term 3
Current Year 2 – Year 1 Term 3
Current Year 1 – No gaps identified due to the repetitive nature of the EYFS curriculum.
The content of these terms is outlined in the RE long term plan under Spring Term 1. The gaps in skills and knowledge covered in these terms are already covered within the subsequent year’s curriculum; therefore, ensuring that all the necessary components are in place for future learning.
Religious Education is a key opportunity for children to develop morally, spiritually, socially and culturally. In RE lessons, as well as PSHE, Values Education and our Collective Worship policy, children are invited to reflect on their personal responses to issues and consider other people’s responses.
In Religious Education we foster a reflective approach to learning by encouraging an open and honest enquiry, an awareness of prejudice, a growing self-understanding and respecting the rights of others to hold beliefs different from their own by learning about religion and learning from religion.
The curriculum for RE aims to ensure that all pupils:
1. Know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews, so that they can:
• describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practices, recognising the diversity which exists within and between communities and amongst individuals
• identify, investigate and respond to questions posed, and responses offered by some of the sources of wisdom found in religions and worldviews
• appreciate and appraise the nature, significance and impact of different ways of life and ways of expressing meaning.
2. Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews, so that they can:
• explain reasonably their ideas about how beliefs, practices and forms of expression influence individuals and communities
• express with increasing discernment their personal reflections and critical responses to questions and teachings about identity, diversity, meaning and value, including ethical issues
• appreciate and appraise varied dimensions of religion.
3. Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews, so that they can:
• find out about and investigate key concepts and questions of belonging, meaning, purpose and truth, responding creatively
• enquire into what enables different individuals and communities to live together respectfully for the wellbeing of all
• articulate beliefs, values and commitments clearly in order to explain why they may be important in their own and other people’s lives.
Collective worship occupies an important and unique place in the life of Lainesmead Primary School.
It provides an opportunity for members of the school community to experience a quietness which counterbalances the busy activities of the rest of the day. It also enables them to gather together and to remind themselves of and reflect upon the beliefs and values, which bind the school community together.
The term ‘worship’ as it is commonly used and understood applies to the activities of a faith community, rather than a school. However, we believe that worship in the context of a school assembly provides an opportunity for the school community to focus on and reaffirm all that we consider important.
At Lainesmead, we carry out Collective Worship at the beginning of the week with a focus on the British Values and our school values of:
The children are encouraged to consider their own thoughts and feelings about the values and how they show them as well as considering how others may feel differently to them. The children then have the opportunity to reflect on this throughout the week as they approach each challenge they may face.